Gender Pay Gap Report

The gender pay gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women.  Under UK legislation, as an employer with more than 250 employees, we are required to publish our gender pay gap.

The Government stipulates that the information from 5th April 2023 must be reported by 5th April 2024.

The data required is as follows:

  • Mean (average) gender pay gap in hourly pay (shown as a percentage). This is a measure of the difference between the average for women’s hourly pay and men’s hourly pay;
  • Median (middle) gender pay gap in hourly pay (shown as a percentage). The median gender pay gap is the difference between the hourly pay of the middle paid woman and the middle paid man.
  • Mean bonus gender pay gap;
  • Median bonus gender pay gap;
  • Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment;
  • Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile.

Signature Senior Lifestyle Operations Limited embraces these regulations as they lead to greater transparency and encourage action to reduce the gender pay gap which can be evidenced in this report.

Our Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Results are as follows:

Signature Senior Lifestyle Operations Limited

As at 5th April 2023 our mean gender pay gap at Signature is 2.3% and median gender pay gap is 3.4% which are both significantly lower than the UK average.

Hourly rate of pay

Male (£) Female (£) Difference – £ / %
Mean £14.84 £14.50 2.3%
Median £13.24 £12.79 3.4%

The mean bonus pay gap is 0.4%.  This is an improvement from the previous year and the gap has narrowed by 9.2%.

The median bonus pay gap has increased 50% and this relates to a legacy ring fenced incentive scheme.

Bonus pay for 12 months

Male (£) Female (£) Difference – £ / %
Mean £2,694.18 £2,683.06 0.4%
Median £1,000.00 £500.00 50.0%


Employees who received bonus pay

Gender Total number of employees Number who received bonus pay The Proportion of Total  (%)
Male 768 145 18.9%
Female 3286 759 23.1%


Employees by quartile pay bands:

Gender Number of males Number of females Total number of employees Proportion of males in quartile (%) Proportion of females in quartile (%)
Upper 251 762 1013 24.8% 75.2%
Upper middle 185 828 1014 18.2% 81.7%
Lower middle 168 846 1014 16.6% 83.4%
Lower 164 850 1014 16.2% 83.8%

I, Steve Gardner, Acting CEO, confirm that the information provided in this statement is accurate.