We’ve put together some quotes today from our residents with their memories for #RemembranceDay. Some wonderful conversations with everyone on this important day.

“I think about all the special people I have lost. When I was young I was in the Salvation Army. It was a special time. We used to lay Poppies at the War memorial every year.” ~ Anne









“I have enormous respect for remembrance. I lost Grandads and think of them every year. Bit different this year but I wear my poppy with pride.” ~ Geoffrey










“George was a Fleet Air Arm Pilot and flew Hurricanes. He was in the Firefly regiment and has memories of those that were there then but not now, and 2 special friends that passed away more recently. George Remembers being on the steps of the Palace in Tokyo on VJ day.”

“Joyce was in the WAF using her professional typing skills. Joyce remembers being in London around all the bombings. Its all about remembering the people.” ~ George and Joyce
