Having been sent a challenge by Coombe to enter the Signature Pumpkin Carving Competition, Meadows Residents went on a hunt for some good pumpkins to carve, so we did a trip to Weybridge Garden Centre to find the best ones.
They were also fascinated at the variety of Halloween goodies that were on offer and the Halloween displays.
Having chosen the pumpkins, they looked at different designs of pumpkin carving and were quite amazed at some of the intricate designs. They had got a lot more detailed over the years. They then came and watched some of the carvings, some even joined in with it.
We then held an inter-department competition to find our winning entry to send off to the judges. Maggie bought a pile of pumpkins for staff to choose one from. We made voting forms, displayed all the entries on purple cloths and then invited all the residents to vote for the 3 they liked most. We had some great entries… thank you to all of the staff who carved a pumpkin and entered them!
After the residents had chosen the top 3, we sent off their top favourite pumpkin carving, and story, to the judges. A few days later we heard back from them that we had won the 1st prize of £100!