Signature at Fleet is a Care Home that caters for Assisted Living, and Dementia residents. The home is overseen by our General Manager and a team of Heads of Department who are all experts in their chosen field. 

The home has 47 apartments that are dedicated to Assisted Living over 2 floors and a Dementia community that has 28 suites on the same floor. The number of Carers on duty will be determined by the residents’ individual needs.

The care that each resident requires and receives is recorded using person centred care technology which assists us in allocating the appropriate level of staffing to each area of the building at the right time of day or night. Residents have reassurance that our call bell system is linked to our care system ensuring that we are always there when needed. 

Resident care is overseen by our Deputy Manager and Care Managers who also provide guidance to the care teams, ensuring that the service is fully compliant with the regulations. 

In addition, we have a dedicated catering team who serve main meals in our restaurants and a housekeeping team who are responsible for the cleanliness of the home including resident apartments. A dedicated activities team are responsible for arranging in-house events and organising excursions using our own minibus. Each home has a reception area which is operated twelve hours a day, ensuring that all visitors receive a warm welcome and are logged in and out of the home. 

All Signature staff are trained to meet best practice standards for their respective roles including but not limited to; the Skills for Care recommended Care Certificate standards and all new to social care employees are automatically offered the opportunity to complete their Level 2 Health & Social Care Qualification.