Activities Designed for Physical and Mental Wellbeing

All of Signature’s homes offer a varied and engaging weekly calendar of activities and events, designed to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of all our residents.  From creative activities such as painting, baking and pottery, to visiting entertainers such as singers, dancers and musicians, and outings to shops or theatres, our activities are intended to inspire and engage our residents as individuals and as a community.

Our in-house activities teams arrange full calendars of activities based around the needs and desires of our residents, and are always on hand to assist, whatever the mobility level.

Our homes also regularly participate in brand-wide awareness days, such as MacMillan Coffee Mornings or Alzheimer’s Awareness Days, bringing all our homes together as one.

The calendar below shows an example of the kinds of activities our residents are involved in each week.

For more specific details and examples of activities at Rosebery Manor, please visit Rosebery Manor’s Facebook page.