It is day three of our Cruise and after a smooth sail, we have docked in China! Our Cafe Renoir was decorated with lanterns and Chinese sayings and after a Chinese lunch we welcomed Anita and the Chinese Woking Association to help us celebrate China.
Anita was joined by her mother who set up a calligraphy table and wrote bookmarks with the resident’s names on in Chinese, it was really magical to see such a traditional art form and skill which the residents loved. With their keepsakes, they sat down to watch a traditional dragon dance with an authentic dragon all the way from China himself! Anita performed traditional Tai Chi moves involving all the residents finished by a Chinese fan dance. It was a magical day and Anita and her mother stayed to chat to all our residents afterwards and we all enjoyed some Chinese tasty nibbles. The restaurant made us all a refreshing lemongrass cocktail which went down a treat. All of the residents expressed how special this day was and loved being a part of China! ALL ABOARD for our next stop………make sure to pack a Sari!