Care home activities are a great way to engage our residents, all of whom all enjoy a wide range of interests and hobbies. Here at Signature, we understand the importance of having a change of scenery and exploring new experiences. We want our residents to have a sense of freedom and independence, so day trips and excursions can be greatly beneficial. In-home activities are also an essential feature and can benefit cardio vascular health, core strength and enhanced motor skills. In addition to encouraging better independence, this can contribute to improved overall health.
We are always delighted to play a part in helping to bring joy and laughter into residents’ daily lives and offer them an interesting choice of events to do just that. Listening to our residents life stories is both interesting and advantageous; finding out what really makes them tick helps us ensure our activity programmes provides a range of activities that stimulate the mind and body. These activities are tailored to resident’s personal identity which won’t just strike up some lovely conversations between residents but it’ll also help care home staff step into their residents’ shoes and better emphasise with them. Exercises like seated pilates, yoga and tai chi contribute greatly to physical health. It’s beneficial to enhance balance and boost a hopeful mind towards independence.
Life is for living, not existing, whatever your age!
There are options like flower arranging, art sessions and creative writing which will visually stimulate cognitive thinking and new ideas for the new day. It’s an inspiring experience when painting and writing; this creativity sparks a great way to distract from the everyday setting where some may not feel confident about their mental health. Putting new thoughts onto a canvas or written down on paper can enhance one’s feelings to show what they’re thinking without the discomfort of speaking about it.
Table tennis, quiz nights and scrabble can activate a competitive awareness between residents. Quiz nights are a great way of expressing intelligence in a fun setting. Games such as Scrabble, crosswords or charades are great for progress in cognitive function because some vocabulary used by one person, may be new to others.
Days Out/Trips
Spending some time away from home can be relaxing. Days out to local pubs and community centres; different locations offer country rides too. These trips are organised for a day of new adventures, something new to enjoy and a different atmosphere to treasure. Spring and summer are great times to go for a walk and see new things near home like local parks; maybe one with a lake.
All of our homes have a cinema room. Going to the movies is always relaxing, to sit comfortably with popcorn and refreshments available, residents can enjoy a scheduled screening or request their own film. Big sporting events are broadcasted too, sports fans can really luxuriate in for an exciting afternoon watching football or the olympics.
“Since Mum has become a resident she has started laughing again, she has so many activities to keep her occupied and has made some good friends. The staff are lovely and very caring. We couldn’t be happier and more importantly, Mum couldn’t be happier.” – Daughter of Resident